Saturday, March 2, 2013

How Hard

We have a few neighborhood boys that we've known a long time. They are used to Boy#1. They bring him to me if he's having an episode and ask if he needs his medicine. I reassure them that he does simply need medication and thank them for helping him. Then, I sit down and wonder why I get so lucky and how much of an impact this has on them. They keep coming back, so it must be okay.

Last night his friend was here and no other kids (very rare). So, Boy#1 started to have an episode. It went something like this:

Friend: Boy#1 Boy#1 It is okay, don't get upset.
Me: Come on Boy#1, I'll help you get to the couch.
Friend: You get his arms, and I'll get his legs.
Me: (oh how sweet, please don't let me cry)
Friend: Okay, Boy#1. You'll be alright. You just need your medicine.
Friend to me: You'll get his medicine now?
Me: Oh, yeah, in just a second. (he's already had it)
Friend: He's okay, right? He just needs his medicine and a nap, right? You don't really think he has seizures? I don't want him to.
Me: He's fine. We'll figure it out. Okay?

He looked so sad. And, I realized it is so sad. And, how hard it is for more than just me.

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